February 4, 2025

Cats and Dreams

I want to write something but I don't know what to say. So I'll just let my fingers type whatever they want. My roommate's cat is sleeping on my computer chair and he looks like he's falling off. He's a big Maine Coon and also a big nuisance sometimes but he's a good buddy. It's nice to have a cat around, otherwise things would get lonely here. I miss my brother cat, Panther. Let me see if I can find a picture:

here's my guy. I adore black cats. 
He was put to sleep last November and it's been tough without him. My parents adopted him when I was six, and he passed at 14, which I guess is alright for a cat. I wish they could live longer. He always hated my sister and I, probably because we were obnoxious and loud and scream-y as kids, and he held a grudge from that day onwards. I do not blame him at all, poor guy. I still annoyed him frequently throughout the years because I loved him so much, he really did feel like a grumpy older (?) brother. I liked that he could put aside his feelings for me when it came to canned tuna or salmon though, only then would he willingly approach me and meow for my attention. I loved giving him treats, and he loved my dad. 
My dad was at home a lot, so I suppose they bonded. I don't know how or why, since he was (is) quite a loud person as well, especially during those days, but it happened, and isn't that often the case with dads and pets. I miss his meow and his slightly wonky eyes, and I miss coming downstairs in the morning to see him splayed out on the sofa. I look forward to the day that I can adopt my own cat, I already have a list of 30 or so possible names, but I don't think that will be anytime soon. I can imagine a future where I share an apartment with someone I love, and a cat too. 
Either way, I'll have to live somewhere and a cat will come eventually, so it's not a too far-off dream. I don't really even have a life-dream, my only wish is to be happy, and I hope that's reasonable. I just want to live, be happy, try my best to avoid harming others, and DIE, that's it. Maybe I'll add to that list someday, but whatever. The only thing I need to worry about for the present is my giant research proposal thing due tomorrow (or now on Monday?) for my giant scary seminar class. 
Bye :-) 

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